Summer research season kicks off

Our 2023 summer field research season began with incredible enthusiasm and dedication. Our first weeks on the water have been very successful, with many sightings, some fog, many fun times, and some great food 😃

Among the first sightings, it is worth reporting the return of Salvatore. First sighted around Ischia in May of 2009, Salvatore was spotted again after a decade in July 2019 and then again in February 2021. Salvatore has made his way back this year and was sighted on two consecutive days North of Ventotene Island. The site fidelity of these animals, which return to our study area over the years, underlines the importance of theIMMA Waters of Ischia and Ventotene, for which our association is working with the help of theMPA Regno di Nettuno and MPA Isole di Ventotene e S. Stefano.

With all our hearts, we welcome our researchers, research assistants, and volunteers who will be embarking on Jean Gab for this season. We hope to make your experience a memorable one, with lots of cetacean encounters, great data collection, good weather throughout the season, and a lot of fun.