Your 5×1000 to Oceanomare Delphis Onlus
Tax ID: 92045790398
For 30 years, Oceanomare Delphis Onlus has been studying and protecting key species for the health of the marine ecosystem: whales and dolphins. Thanks to many volunteers, supporters, and people who care about the existence of these animals, we have carried out non-invasive studies, produced useful information for conservation, promoted education programs, and engaged and raised awareness in civil society to respect the sea and its treasures. Let's all work together to protect our Mediterranean Sea!
You too can do your part; all it takes is a signature!
Devolving 5×1000 of your taxed to OCEANOMARE DELPHIS ONLUS
will help us protect these beautiful animals and contribute concretely to the well-being of our sea.
What is 5x1000?
The 5x1000 is a share of the personal income tax that can be donated to associations and nonprofit organizations. It is a form of voluntary contribution, additional to and not an alternative to the 8×1000 or 2×1000, which can be made when filing a tax return. It costs the person making it nothing; if no choice is expressed, the amount remains with the state.
How to assign 5×1000 to Oceanomare Delphis Onlus.
Form 730 or Unico
It is necessary to sign and write the tax id of Oceanomare Delphis Onlus (92045790398) on the special form on page 7 in the tax return forms, in the box on the upper left, reserved for Onlus ("Support of voluntary work and other nonprofit organizations of social utility, associations for social promotion, and recognized associations and foundations operating in the sectors referred to in Article 10, c. 1, lett. a), of Legislative Decree No. 460 of 1997"), as in the image:

If you sign without entering Oceanomare Delphis' tax id, your share will be distributed proportionally according to the number of preferences received by associations of the same category. Therefore, if you want to donate your 5×1000 to Oceanomare Delphis, it is necessary to indicate the tax id: 92045790398.
If you do not fill out a tax return, you can still assign your 5×1000 to Oceanomare Delphis Onlus!
Even those who do not have to fill out a tax return can still request the form from their employer or pension provider and deliver it (filled out and in a sealed envelope) to a post office or bank counter, which receives them free of charge, or to an intermediary enabled for telematic transmission (CAF, accountants, etc.). On the envelope, it is necessary to write DESTINATION 5x1000 IRPEF and indicate the taxpayer's last name, first name, and tax ID.