16-21 October 2023, Genoa Aquarium, Italy
Oceanomare Delphis Onlus and CIBRA (Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research), under the agreement signed with ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans…

Atlante back south!

Last month, Atlante was re-sighted in the waters of the Important Marina Mammal Area of Ischia and Ventotene. As always, he was in the company of other sperm whales. This is the fifth sighting of...

C’è di mezzo il mare

Researchers from Oceanomare Delphis, experts in monitoring and conservation of Mediterranean cetaceans, collaborate on Greenpeace Italy's "C'è di Mezzo il Mare" expedition. Our researcher Alessandra Staffelli...

Familiar flukes

More familiar flukes spotted in the IMMA (Important Marine Mammal Area) of Ischia and Ventontene. Meet Cartesio, who was sighted around Ischia for the first time in...


16-21 May 2023, Lacco Ameno, Ischia Island, Italy
Oceanomare Delphis Onlus and CIBRA (Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research), under the agreement signed with ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans…