Winter Campaign

The first joint Winter Campaign between the Regno di Nettuno Marine Protected Area and the Isole di Ventotene e Santo Stefano Marine Protected Area starts today.

Under the high scientific interest in cetaceans and with a view to the protection and safeguarding of both MPAs, it is necessary to acquire further scientific data regarding the presence of cetaceans in the winter months, especially in the common IUCN Important Marine Mammal Area Waters of Ischia and Ventotene, which also includes the D zone of the Regno di Nettuno and extends beyond the Canyon of Cuma, including also the waters of the Ventotene MPA.

The monitoring conducted by the researchers of Oceanomare Delphis concretizes the realization of a joint activity between the two MPAs that, in addition to applying what was established by signing the Memorandum of Understanding for Twinning between the MPA Regno di Nettuno and MPA Isole di Ventotene e Santo Stefano is aimed at the establishment of a common database of environmental data necessary for the implementation of the actions to improve the Management of the MPAs concerned.

Fair Winds!