18-23 November 2024 Genoa, Italy

Oceanomare Delphis Onlus and CIBRA (Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioacoustics and Environmental Research), under the agreement signed with ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area), are organizing a brand new training course to qualify individuals as Marine Mammal Observers and operators of Passive Acoustic Monitoring systems.

When18th to 23rd November 2024

Where: Blue Ship, Genoa Aquarium, Genoa (Italy)

Participation Fee: 750 euro

The qualification: The ACCOBAMS qualification qualifies people to work as MMOs/PAM operators throughout the Mediterranean and the Black Sea in 24 countries, where it is the agreed course requirement for such work. After the course, The ACCOBAMS highly qualified MMO/PAM operators will be able to work to minimize the impact of noise on cetaceans, by applying the knowledge, expertise, and skills acquired during the training course, and using the standard procedures, forms, and manuals, following the ACCOBAMS principles.

Speakers: Giovanni Caltavuturo, Claudio Fossati, Guido Gnone, Patrick Lyne, Michele Manghi, Barbara Mussi.


Graduated/current biology or ecology student or have experience demonstrating a commitment to the environment and its conservation
Minimum 30 days at sea as a marine observer (with references/records)
Ability to recognize the different species and understand the behavior of animals at sea
Ability to communicate in English
Have a theoretical understanding of acoustic issues
Ability to recognize the different vocalizations of marine mammals

Topics Covered in the Training Course:

Introduction to underwater acoustics
Introduction to marine mammals and acoustics
Introduction to human activities generating underwater noise and impacts on marine mammals
Introduction to existing regulations, mitigation procedures, and ACCOBAMS Guidelines
Introduction to the role of MMO/PAM
Introduction to the lifestyle onboard
Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to map acoustic and visual sightings
Using PAM for survey and research
Introduction to the hardware used for PAM
Hands-on training with PAMGUARD-Tips and troubleshooting.
Autonomous acoustic bottom recorders
The Intercet platform

The price includes the training, the certificate, lunches and coffee breaks (the accommodation is not included).

To apply, please fill the online form and send your CV to